Uh, Mother Nature is a total bitch. It didn’t just lightly sprinkle on my first outside jog of the year… I am SOAKED. This is MARCH, lady, we just started Daylight Savings Time!

The bad news is, I’m not much faster than I was last November when I did a 5K. The GOOD news is, I’m much stronger… I jogged the entire time, my breathing was fine, no aches or pains. I actually DID a 5K today, whereas with my weekly runs last fall, the 2.8 circle around Green Lake was my limit.

I actually did more than a 5K, because my dad likes to come with me and walk, so when I’m done, I usually go walk back and find him. Well, today I walked and didn’t find him, so after doing a text version with him of Abbot & Costello’s Who’s On First, I was so annoyed that to avoiding murdering him, I jogged back to the car. Jogged. Again. After the 5K. I’m like a fitness person or something…



