Confused By Power…

Confused By Power…

So, I was the weirdo today… when we started our first minute AO, Masha yelled from the rowers, “Stacy did another .2!” And because 7 am is super interactive, I started yelling (10 seconds into the AO) “TWO PERCENT STACY’S DOING 2 DON’T LEAVE HER HANGING” but...
Do The Weird…

Do The Weird…

You know how when you’re about to sleep with someone new, you’re excited, but also a little anxious because who knows what weird thing they might like, and you might have to decide on the fly whether or not you’re on board with it? And then afterwards, when nothing...
Treads First

Treads First

Shout out to all of the people who start on the treads. I started on the treads for the FIRST TIME EVER to get my mile benchmark out of the way. Yikes. And after that…there is still a weight room block! You want me to do what now in the weight room? How heavy?...


I don’t have a lot to say about the workout today, except when we were doing double crunches I set the weight down over my head on the last one and went to get up and discovered that I had set down the weight on my pony tail, so I was trapped and had to use my...
New Coaches…

New Coaches…

I’m starting to feel like I’m leaving Yelp reviews for the new coaches, but really it’s just my pathological need to process publicly. I really loved my workout today with “new” Cat and I promise that’s the last time I refer to her like that… When not coaching,...
Go Slow

Go Slow

I’ve seen with some of the other OTF FB Groups (NOT Shoreline) that there was some anxiety around taking too long on the mile run yesterday– people felt slow, and even felt some pressure like maybe they shouldn’t be trying to run the mile if they...